Pierce The Veil with Sleeping with Sirens

Wed 12:00am • Laval, CA

MAY 28

Pierce The Veil with Sleeping with Sirens

Wed 11:00pm • Toronto, CA

MAY 28

Pierce The Veil with Sleeping with Sirens

Wed 11:00pm • Toronto, CA

MAY 28

Pierce The Veil with Sleeping with Sirens

Fri 11:00pm • Mansfield, US

MAY 30

Pierce The Veil with Sleeping with Sirens

Fri 11:00pm • Mansfield, US

MAY 30

STAGE 102 108 107 103 104 106 105 208 207 206 203 204 205 209 202 210 201 218 211 217 212 216 213 215 214 111 115 112 113 116 101 114 110 109 PARTERRE / FLOOR NORD